Return of the Expedition

Posted in Bidness, Expeditions on April 21st, 2013 by Bass

As promised, there will be another Expedition, similar to the Last, yet so very different (and still quite impassable).

We welcome you to participate in another evening of performance and patronage, prologue/introduction provided by The Impassable Chasm.

A reward for waiting, in other words. Details below

Do you deserve it?

Do you deserve it?


Posted in Bidness on April 5th, 2013 by Bass

You have not been intentionally lied to. Factors beyond the control of even The Chasm’s Impassability have prevented the truth from being made clear. This serves to correct that.

There WILL be a 2nd Expedition of The Impassable Chasm occurring in a similar space but different physical location than previously on the last day of April, 2013. All that can be done now is to wait. Should the message prove false, all faith could be lost.

Details will be forthcoming.