Expedition #3 is in Oakland

Posted in Bidness, Expeditions on May 28th, 2013 by Bass

We profess no loyalty to one side of the bay over another, nor fundraising events to house parties. With that qualification, let us introduce to you The Third Expedition:

It is time.

It is time.

Unfortunately, due to the short-notice and close proximity to the 2nd Expedition, The Impassable Chasm will not be able to guarantee a brand new set of dealios, and at best will only be providing a collection of previous dealios in a new and unheard order.

Regardless, we are pleased to tickle ones eardrums with reverberations and vibrations of the Chasmical Order, and invite you to participate.

Return of the Expedition

Posted in Bidness, Expeditions on April 21st, 2013 by Bass

As promised, there will be another Expedition, similar to the Last, yet so very different (and still quite impassable).

We welcome you to participate in another evening of performance and patronage, prologue/introduction provided by The Impassable Chasm.

A reward for waiting, in other words. Details below

Do you deserve it?

Do you deserve it?

Spring 2013 Rumblings

Posted in Bidness, Expeditions on February 14th, 2013 by Bass

There is a rumor-ing in place…

April 18th (or the 18th of April for the Euro-Types) may bring another Expedition.

Whether the 2nd, or the 3rd, or the 4th, all is yet to be determined.

Watch this space, lest ye be uninformed (pure travesty!)
