An Xmass Present for All

Posted in Bidness, Sounds on December 24th, 2017 by Bass

You are welcome. Don’t ever say we never got you anything.

Audio Player

While We Apologize, We Make No Excuses

Posted in Bidness, Sounds on November 18th, 2017 by Bass

Instead, we present:

Hot Soup of Human Emotion that Generates the Acceptance of an Egotist Who Pretends To Be Ego-less and At Least Presents the Possibility That It’s All Figured Out In Their Cosmic Ways Because They’ve Never Had To Play By Any Rules Yet Are Still Constantly Tip-Toeing the Balance Between Acceptance and Violent Ostracism (A Narrative)

Audio Player

Hot Soup

Preparations are Underway….

Posted in Bidness on August 5th, 2015 by Bass

The Impassable Chasm has been ignoring you. While not necessarily purposeful, the results are similar.

We call upon you to take heed and pay closer attention in the coming months, as a particular combining of like minds and mike cables is expected.

To commemorate such a momentous occasion, a slice of the future will be shared.

Audio Player

The Impassable Chasm – A Teaser

But more importantly, we are gathering strength and acclaim to hopefully present upon you, the Fourth Happening, in the most likely of venues.

While nothing can ever be truly confirmed, or denied, please direct your energy towards a favorable outcome. Your assistance is not needed, but still appreciated.

Brainstorming is not an illusion.

Brainstorming is not an illusion.

Only because we want to

Posted in Bidness, mixtapes on January 31st, 2014 by Bass

We are spoiling you.

But our January Happening was SO FREAKIN HAPPENING, we’ve decided to share it.

Take note. Maybe take several.

Audio Player

January 13th Happening mixtape

The Impassable Chasm knows…..

Posted in Bidness, mixtapes on December 24th, 2013 by Bass

TIC knows when you’ve been sleeping.
TIC knows when you’re awake.
TIC knows how bad you’ve been
But has little opinion either way.

Such is the nature of impassability, and chasmicalness. Reality exists regardless of motive or intention.

In accordance w. the laws of nature, we present to you another mixtape as an offering. May you accept and appreciate the following…….

Audio Player

2013 EOY Mixtape for The Undeserving

Assembled using original audio files created between 9/18/13 and 12/18/13. This recording contains no frets.

Expedition #3 is in Oakland

Posted in Bidness, Expeditions on May 28th, 2013 by Bass

We profess no loyalty to one side of the bay over another, nor fundraising events to house parties. With that qualification, let us introduce to you The Third Expedition:

It is time.

It is time.

Unfortunately, due to the short-notice and close proximity to the 2nd Expedition, The Impassable Chasm will not be able to guarantee a brand new set of dealios, and at best will only be providing a collection of previous dealios in a new and unheard order.

Regardless, we are pleased to tickle ones eardrums with reverberations and vibrations of the Chasmical Order, and invite you to participate.

Return of the Expedition

Posted in Bidness, Expeditions on April 21st, 2013 by Bass

As promised, there will be another Expedition, similar to the Last, yet so very different (and still quite impassable).

We welcome you to participate in another evening of performance and patronage, prologue/introduction provided by The Impassable Chasm.

A reward for waiting, in other words. Details below

Do you deserve it?

Do you deserve it?


Posted in Bidness on April 5th, 2013 by Bass

You have not been intentionally lied to. Factors beyond the control of even The Chasm’s Impassability have prevented the truth from being made clear. This serves to correct that.

There WILL be a 2nd Expedition of The Impassable Chasm occurring in a similar space but different physical location than previously on the last day of April, 2013. All that can be done now is to wait. Should the message prove false, all faith could be lost.

Details will be forthcoming.

Spring 2013 Rumblings

Posted in Bidness, Expeditions on February 14th, 2013 by Bass

There is a rumor-ing in place…

April 18th (or the 18th of April for the Euro-Types) may bring another Expedition.

Whether the 2nd, or the 3rd, or the 4th, all is yet to be determined.

Watch this space, lest ye be uninformed (pure travesty!)



Posted in Bidness on January 28th, 2013 by Bass

It is unfortunate, but the previous update proved to be false.

The Second Expedition will be postponed. It is unfortunate, but there is nothing that can be done. An act of good faith follows:

nOthIng Kan
st0p in y0u F@ce
plucKy fourTeen
ch0rDy jAzz l@tIn
wh0le STRAWberry

Stay Strong.